Issue - decisions


10/06/2021 - Managing Discipline Policy - RES/21/112

The Committee resolved:-

(i)       to approve the revised Managing Discipline Policy, attached as Appendix 1 to the report;

(ii)       to agree that implementation of the revised policy be delayed until such time as the revised Managing Grievances and Dignity and Respect at Work policies were agreed (the intention being that these policies are presented to Staff Governance Committee in September 2021 for approval);

(iii)      in relation to the attached guidance, to note that the Chief Officer – People and Organisational Development would, in discussion with Trade Unions, revise the section “Life of Disciplinary Warnings” to clarify when circumstances might require these to be extended, to ensure that there was no disparity for certain members of staff (for example, term-time workers), and would circulate the revised guidance to Members for information; and

(iv)      to note that a generic investigations procedure was being developed to cover all three policies.