Issue - decisions

Denis Law Murals -

30/08/2021 - Denis Law Projects Update - COM/21/175

(i)       to note the creativity and work that has gone into developing the Printfield 10 project proposals to date;

(ii)       to note the significant costs in delivering and maintaining the proposed murals as well as the Council staff resources which would be required to complete the project;

(iii)      to agree that the murals are not a feasible part of the Printfield 10 project at this time due to the costs and challenges associated with them;

(iv)      to agree to allocate up to £20,000 from the Common Good to support the walking trail;

(v)      to delegate authority to the Chief Officer – City Growth to enter into appropriate agreements and arrangements as necessary to facilitate the delivery of the walking trail; and

(vi)      to delegate authority to Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord in consultation with the Convener of City Growth and Resources Committee and Convener of Capital Programme Committee to determine the location and installation of the Denis Law statue.