Issue - decisions

South College Street - Traffic Regulation Orders - OPE/21/271

25/11/2021 - South College Street - Traffic Regulation Orders - OPE/21/271

The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to acknowledge the objections received as a result of the public advertisements for the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders;

(ii)             to approve “The Aberdeen City Council(South College Street Area, Aberdeen) (Controlled Parking) Order 202_” be made prior to completion of the new “South College Street Junction Improvements (Phase 1)” road layout, relevant to that section of South College Street between its junctions with Palmerston Place and Queen Elizabeth Bridge roundabout, and be brought into effect when the construction is complete; and

(iii)            to approve “The Aberdeen City Council(Off-Street Car Parks, Aberdeen) (Amendment) Order 202_” be made prior to completion of the new “South College Street Junction Improvements (Phase 1)” road layout, relevant to that section of South College Street between its junctions with Palmerston Place and Queen Elizabeth Bridge roundabout, and be brought into effect when the construction is complete.