Issue - decisions

Statutory Consultation Report: Proposed new catchment areas for Gaelic Medium Education - RES/01/022

28/01/2022 - Statutory Consultation Report: Proposed new catchment areas for Gaelic Medium Education - RES/01/022

The Committee resolved:-

(i)       to note that the majority of respondents to the consultation were not supportive of the proposals.  To further note the Report from Education Scotland addressing aspects of the proposal which highlighted a number of unaddressed concerns which could unintentionally have a significant impact on the learning opportunities and equity of access of GME provision for children across Aberdeen City;

(ii)       to acknowledge that Aberdeen was not in line with the national trend of increasing uptake for GME provision across Scotland and instruct the Chief Officer – Education to undertake an evaluation of how we can improve uptake in the city and report back to Committee; and

(iii)      to agree to take no action on the current proposals and instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to consider and address the concerns from all consultees and stakeholders and further engage to explore all options for consideration and report back to Committee.