Issue - decisions

Preventing Homelessness - Memorandum of Understanding between Aberdeen City Council and the Department of Work and Pensions - CUS/22/144

15/07/2022 - Preventing Homelessness - Memorandum of Understanding between Aberdeen City Council and the Department of Work and Pensions - CUS/22/144

The Council resolved:-

(i)           to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU);

(ii)          to agree that the Co-Leaders of the Council countersign the MoU on behalf of the Council; and

(iii)         to agree that update reports for the MoU be submitted on a six-monthly basis to the relevant committee.

06/07/2022 - Preventing Homelessness - Memorandum of Understanding between Aberdeen City Council and the Department of Work and Pensions - CUS/22/144

Still to be considered - meeting adjourned to a later date.