Issue - decisions

Committee Planner

09/08/2023 - Committee Planner

(i)       to note the reasons for deferral in relation to item 15 (Financial Settlement from Transport Scotland for the De-trunking of the A92/A96 (Haudagain Improvement));

(ii)      to request that the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning circulate an update to members of the Committee in relation to item 11 (Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS) Section 7; and

(iii)      to otherwise note the Planner.

07/11/2022 - Committee Planner

(i)       to remove item 47 (Impact on Aberdeen of Scottish Government Funding), item 49 (Living Well) and 57 (Altens East Waste and Recycling Centre) from the planner for the reasons outlined therein;

(ii)       to transfer item 56 (Queen Street – Outline Business Case) to the Council Planner for the reason outlined therein;

(iii)      to retain item 54 (Tillydrone Primary School) and item 55 (Housing Capital Council Led New Build Projects) on the planner until the next meeting of the Committee, in order for members to have oversight of the combined Capital Programme Report, following which members could consider the removal of the aforementioned items; 

(iv)      to note the update provided by the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord in relation to item 52 (City Centre Multi Storey Blocks – Option Appraisal), noting that a report would be submitted in early 2023;

(v)      to request that the interim Chief Officer – Governance liaise with Group Leaders on the arrangements for a potential briefing session for all interested members of the Council on the new Committee Terms of Reference document approved by Council recently as part of the Review of the Scheme of Governance; and

(vi)      to otherwise note the content of the Committee Planner.

09/08/2022 - Committee Planner

(i)       to remove item 7 (Review of School Estate) from the planner for the reasons intimated by the Director of Resources at the meeting;

(ii)       to note the reason for the reporting delay in relation to item 13 (Sustainable Drainage System (SUDS) Section) and that a Service Update be circulated in this regard; and

(iii)      to otherwise note the content of the Committee Planner.