Issue - decisions


18/10/2022 - Carers' Strategy - HSCP.22.080

The Board resolved:-

(i)             to endorse the Draft Strategy included in Appendix A of the report and the Action plan in Appendix B of the report;

(ii)            to endorse the engagement overview and consultation timeline included in Appendix D of the report;

(iii)          to note that there would be a period of public consultation on the draft strategy;

(iv)          to agree that this period of consultation would run until 31 December 2022;

(v)           to instruct the Chief Officer to present the final version of the Aberdeen City Carer Strategy for approval at the IJB meeting on 31 January 2023; and

(vi)          to instruct the Chief Officer to report to the IJB on 31 January 2023 on how ACHSCP worked to identify all Carer groups that required to be consulted, to meet with these groups, including those currently not known to the Partnership, and to evidence engagement and opportunities to participate in the consultation. Furthermore to demonstrate that monitoring of the Year 1 Plan would detail any improvements.

09/09/2022 - Link Practitioner Service Contract- HSCP.22.062

The Board resolved:-

(i)             to approve the Business Case attached at Appendix A of the report, and the recommended option to issue a tender for a provider to deliver the Link Practitioner Service for four years from 1 April 2023, with an option to extend the contract for an additional three years;

(ii)            to delegate authority to the Chief Officer to extend the Link Practitioners contract to the contract holder in the event of a satisfactory Year 3 contract review for a further three years up to 31 March 2030;

(iii)          to request an update within the Chief Officer’s Report on the outcome of the tender process at the IJB’s meeting on 29 November 2022;

(iv)          to make the Direction attached at Appendix B of the report and instruct the Chief Officer to issue the Direction to NHS Grampian;

(v)           to instruct the Senior Project Manager to provide an annual overview of the contract delivery and a performance review from the service provider to be contained within the Chief Officer’s report; and

(vi)          to instruct the Senior Project Manager to report any significant changes to the contract at the end of the year four review.