Issue - decisions

Rosewell House - IJB/BAC Joint Evaluation - HSCP.22.074

18/10/2022 - Complex Care Market Position Statement - HSCP.22.082

The Board resolved:-

(i)             to approve the Complex Care Market Position Statement attached at Appendix B  the report);

(ii)            to note that progress on delivery of the Complex Care Market Position Statement would be reported to the Integration Joint Board annually;

(iii)          to note that finance specific updates would be reported annually (at a minimum) to the Risk, Audit and Performance Committee;

(iv)          to instruct the Chief Officer to continue to explore with partners future new building and property redevelopment opportunities to provide facilities for people requiring complex care; and

(v)           to instruct the Chief Officer to continue to work jointly with the Chief Officer for Children & Family Services to ensure planning and provision of complex care for young people moving into adulthood.

09/09/2022 - Rosewell House - IJB/BAC Joint Evaluation - HSCP.22.074

The Board resolved:-

(i)             to commend the Team on their continuing work and being shortlisted for the Scottish Social Services Awards – Showcasing an Integrated Workforce; and

(ii)            to otherwise note the content of the report.