Issue - decisions

Locality Plans - HSCP.22.071

18/10/2022 - Surge Plan - HSCP.22.084

The Board resolved:-

(i)             to note the ACHSCP Surge Plan 2022/23 as outlined in the Appendix to the report;

(ii)            to note that the Plan would be monitored on an ongoing basis by the ACHSCP’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT);

(iii)          to note that the Chief Officer would bring an update regarding the wider whole system approach to the Clinical and Care Governance Committee; and

(iv)          to note that Sandy Reid would issue a paper in respect of vaccinator recruitment to be circulated to elected members and would also arrange to meet with Elected Members in respect of dissemination of vaccination information.

09/09/2022 - Locality Plans - HSCP.22.071

The Board resolved:-

(i)             to consider the Annual Locality Planning Report 2021/2022;

(ii)            To endorse the further development of locality working including the continued delivery of Locality Planning and the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSCP) Strategic Plan;

(iii)          to Instruct the Chief Officer to present the Annual Report on Locality Plans to Community Planning Aberdeen Board on 14th September 2022;

(iv)          to instruct the Chief Officer to report to the Risk, Audit and Performance committee in 12 months with an update on locality planning;

(v)           to note that the ACC Chief Executive would investigate the profile of support provided for free school physical education classes and how activities were assessed, and discuss this offline with Alison Murray; and

(vi)          to note that Phil Mackie would work with colleagues to deliver a Population Health Approach seminar which considered the IJB’s role in prevention/population health and to consider Sport Aberdeen input at the same seminar.