Issue - decisions

"Working in Partnership for Aberdeen" - Commissioning Intentions and Service Standards 2022/23 - CUS/22/169

01/09/2022 - "Working in Partnership for Aberdeen" - Commissioning Intentions and Service Standards 2022/23 - CUS/22/169

The Council resolved:-

(i)             to note the review of the commissioning intentions, service standards in the context of the policy statement, “Working in Partnership for Aberdeen”;

(ii)           to agree to the recommended amendments to 2022/23 commissioning intentions and service standards set out in Appendix A;

(iii)          to instruct the Director of Commissioning to report any further amendments required in 2022/23 to existing commissioning intentions and service standards, as a result of subsequent decisions of the Council and its committees, to Council; and

(iv)          to note that the policy statement would be fully reflected within the Council’s strategic commissioning cycle for 2023/24 onwards.