Issue - decisions

Committee Structure and Scheme of Governance - COM/22/161

01/09/2022 - Committee Structure and Scheme of Governance - COM/22/161

The Council resolved:-

(i)             to agree, with effect from 14 October 2022, to

·       disestablish the Capital Programme Committee

·       disestablish the Strategic Commissioning Committee

·       disestablish the Operational Delivery Committee

·       disestablish the Public Protection Committee

·       rename the Education Operational Delivery Committee as the Education and Children’s Services Committee

·       rename the City Growth and Resources Committee as the Finance and Resources Committee

·       establish the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee

·       establish the Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee

·       establish the Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee;

(ii)           to approve the Terms of Reference for the Finance and Resources Committee, Council, Education and Children’s Services Committee, Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee, Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee, Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee and Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee as set out in Appendices 1 to 7, to take effect from 14 October 2022;

(iii)          to delegate authority to the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, following consultation with the Chief Officer - Governance and the Convener of the Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee, to determine the process for the selection and appointment of the external advisers to the Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee and report back to the next Council meeting to seek approval of the appointments;

(iv)          to agree that the Conveners and Vice Conveners of the City Growth and Resources Committee and Education Operational Delivery Committee become the Conveners and Vice Conveners of the Finance and Resources Committee and Education and Children’s Services Committee respectively, with effect from 14 October 2022, and that the membership of those committees be unchanged;

(v)           to appoint Conveners and Vice Conveners for the following committees with effect from 14 October 2022 on the basis of the spreadsheet circulated separately:-

·     Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee

·     Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee

·     Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee;

(vi)          to agree the compositions of the new committees as below:-






Cllr Boulton

Cllr Stewart


Communities, Housing and Public Protection








Net Zero, Environment and Transport











Anti-Poverty  and Inequality









(vii)        to agree that there be no change to the Planning Scheme of Delegation (i.e. the Scheme of Delegation for dealing with planning applications for Local Developments) in the Powers Delegated to Officers, as detailed in section 3.3 of the report; instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to draft a procedure to allow all interested parties, including ward members, to make representations at Planning Development Management Committee and report this draft procedure to the November meeting of that Committee for approval; and note that said Chief Officer will continue to develop local engagement on planning matters, including through the network of community councils;

(viii)       to approve the changes to Standing Orders 13, 16, 34 and 40, as set out in Appendix 8, with effect from 26 August 2022;

(ix)          to instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to remove from the Scheme of Governance all references to Business Manager and Depute Business Manager, and approve the replacement wording contained within Appendix 9 with immediate effect;

(x)           to approve the amended Council diary for 2022 and the Council diary for 2023 as set out in Appendices 10 and 11 respectively;

(xi)          to consider the information with regard to additional webcasting requirements as set out in section 3.7 of the report and Appendix 12 (exempt) and refer the matter to the budget process;

(xii)        to approve the following appointments with regard to the COSLA Boards:-

·       Health and Social Care - John Cooke

·       Children and Young People - Martin Grieg

·       Environment and Economy - Alex McLellan

·       Community Wellbeing - Miranda Radley;

(xiii)       to approve the establishment of the Void Properties Working Group, agree the membership and approve the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix 13; and

(xiv)       to instruct the Chief Officer - Governance to, following consultation with the Co-Leaders, make all other amendments to the Scheme of Governance which are necessary to reflect the decisions taken by the Council at this meeting in relation to the report.

01/09/2022 - Committee Structure and Scheme of Governance - COM/22/161

Considered at the adjourned meeting on 25 August 2022.