Issue - decisions

Committee Business

18/06/2024 - Refreshed Locality Plans 2021-26: North, South and Central - CORS/24/146

(i)            to note that the Corporate Strategy and Community Planning Manager would include reference to Sistema within the South Locality Plan;

(ii)          to note the Locality Plans presented at Appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the report; and

(iii)         to note the Locality Plans in conjunction with the refreshed Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2016-2026 at Item 9.2 of the agenda which connected the Locality Plans to city wide priorities for improvement.

07/11/2023 - External Advisers' Report - CUS/23/319

The Committee resolved:-

to note the report from the external advisers.

30/08/2023 - Memorandum of Understanding between Aberdeen City Council and the Department of Work and Pensions - CUS/23/251

The Committee resolved:-

to note the report.

28/06/2023 - Child Poverty Action Report 2022/23 - CUS/23/170

The Committee resolved:-

(i)                  to instruct the Interim Director - Childrens and Family Services,  to further clarify by way of a Service Update the integration of the Child Poverty Action Plan update report and Child Poverty Action Plan Annual report into the Children’s Services Plan 2023-2026, including the necessity to incorporate an Integrated Impact Assessment in the Plan but not subsequent outcome reports;

(ii)            to congratulate the This is Northfield group on their work to date;

(iii)          to instruct the Locality Manager to invite Dr Flora Douglas - RGU Professor in Public Health, to speak to the Committee in respect of her work on the impact of maternal and household food insecurity on parents’ infant and young children feeding intentions and practices;

(iv)          to note the attached Child Poverty Action Report;

(v)           to note that the Child Poverty Action Report will be considered by the Education and Children’s Services Committee

(vi)          to instruct the Interim Director Children and Families Services to submit the Child Poverty Action Report to Community Planning Aberdeen Board for approval; and

(vii)         to instruct the Interim Director Children and Families Services to publish the Child Poverty Action Plan on the Council’s website following approval by the Community Planning Board.

17/05/2023 - Supporting People Through the Cost of Living Crisis - CUS/23/122

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to instruct the Locality Inclusion Manager to bring back a report to Committee regarding the review and uptake of the Family Wellbeing Fund;

(ii)            to instruct the Locality Inclusion Manager to circulate a Service Update in respect of food waste, including information on local supermarkets’ arrangements and feedback from organisations on the current situation through Food Poverty Aberdeen; and

(iii)          to otherwise note the progress in delivery of the outcomes from the Cost of Living Funding.

13/03/2023 - Child Poverty Action Plan Update Report - CUS/23/061

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, to circulate the Integrated Impact Assessment in respect of the report;

(ii)            to note the progress in the half yearly report;

(iii)          to notes the progress in submitting the annual report and refreshed Child Poverty Action Plan 2022-26 to Scottish Government; and

(iv)          to note the progress in establishing the Child Poverty sub-group of the Anti-Poverty Outcome Improvement Group.

16/01/2023 - Child Poverty Action Plan Annual Statutory Report - CUS/23/011

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to instruct the Locality Inclusion Manager to circulate a link to the Scottish Government’s analysis of Child Poverty Action Plans;

(ii)            to note that the Convenor and Vice Convenor would meet with their counterparts for the Education and Children’s Services Committee; and

(iii)          to otherwise note the progress in developing the Child Poverty Action Plan 2022-2026 and further work being undertaken to finalise and ensure alignment with the Children’s Services Plan by March 2023.

29/11/2022 - Anti-Poverty and Inequality Update - CUS/22/250

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to issue a Service Update in respect of library opening hours with regard to warm spaces;

(ii)           to instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to issue a Service Update in respect of the information being made available to Community Centres with regard to additional sources of funding; and

(iii)          to otherwise note the activities and progress described in the report.