Issue - decisions

External Advisers Report

17/05/2023 - Report from External Advisers - CUS/23/124

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note that the next Committee visit would be to Catalyst Vineyard Church following the Committee meeting on 21 June 2023; and

(ii)            to note the proposed ways of working with the External Advisers.

13/03/2023 - Citizens' Assemblies - CUS/23/063

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the progress on plans to facilitate Citizens’ Assemblies on Poverty and Inequality;

(ii)            to instruct the Chief Officer – Early Intervention & Community Empowerment in consultation with the Chief Officer - Finance and Chief Officer - Customer Experience to develop a cost profile, explore potential funding mechanisms and report to the Finance and Resources Committee if funding was required;

(iii)          to agree for further detail to be developed on how local Community Empowerment Groups could be facilitated to support a citizen assembly model at locality level; and

(iv)          to agree that the report currently planned for the May 2023 Committee meeting on a final model for Citizens’ Assemblies be submitted for the Committee on 30 August 2023 to allow a final proposal to be brought to the Committee.

16/01/2023 - Citizens' Assemblies - CUS/23/012

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to instruct the Chief Officer – Early Intervention and Empowerment, to circulate information regarding work that had been carried out in respect of tackling stigma to assist those seeking to access services and support;

(ii)            to agree the principles for a Citizens’ Assembly described in the report;

(iii)          to instruct the Chief Officer Early - Intervention and Community Empowerment, to further develop plans for a Citizens’ Assembly including potential topics for the Assembly to consider which may include looking at gender inequality, and report back to the Committee on 10 May 2023, noting that any budget requirements would need to be considered by the Finance and Resources Committee; and

(iv)          to approve the draft Terms of Reference for a Citizens’ Assembly as attached at Appendix 1 of the report.

29/11/2022 - Report from External Advisers - CUS/22/266

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to welcome the external advisers report, with recognition and thanks for the ongoing contribution by our external advisers in shaping our work;

(ii)            to instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment, to produce a report for the next meeting of the committee, providing further information on the clawback of benefits payments by the Council and Department for Work and Pensions;

(iii)          to instruct the Chief Officer - Early Intervention and Community Empowerment to consult with partners and produce a report for the meeting on 8 March 2023 of the committee with demographic information on child poverty, in-work poverty and other forms of poverty in the city; and

(iv)          to otherwise note the report.