Issue - decisions

Altens East Recycling and Resource Facility - Fire Investigation Report - OPE/23/030

07/02/2023 - Altens East Recycling and Resource Facility - Fire Investigation Report - OPE/23/030

(i)       to note the contents of the attached Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) fire investigation report;

(ii)      to note that as an organisation, we can conclude from the SFRS report, that the fire at Altens East did not occur as a result of a failure in our system of internal control;

(iii)      to note that the Waste and Recycling Manager would circulate, by email, details of the number of waste fires across the UK to the Committee; and

(iv)     to request the Waste and Recycling Manager to identify further actions that could be taken to educate citizens on the disposal of vapes and other battery/electrical products and report to the most relevant Committee in due course.