Issue - decisions

Aberdeen Rapid Transit Options Appraisal - COM/23/131

11/05/2023 - Aberdeen Rapid Transit Options Appraisal - COM/23/131

(i)       to note that officers would provide a service update in relation to any available data on bus patronage which could be shared;

(ii)       to note the decision of the Nestrans Board in relation to the content of the Aberdeen Rapid Transport Detailed Options Appraisal report and agree that it be submitted to Transport Scotland as part of the Bus Partnership Fund (BPF) Gateway Review process; and

(iii)      to endorse the Nestrans Board’s decision to progress Options 3A and 5 to Outline Business Case (OBC) and the associated funding request to Transport Scotland, and instruct the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning to continue to work with Nestrans Officers as this OBC develops.