Issue - decisions

Draft Aberdeen Local Transport Strategy (2023-2030) - COM/23/235

01/09/2023 - Draft Aberdeen Local Transport Strategy (2023-2030) - COM/23/235

(i)       to note that officers would circulate information to Members outwith the meeting in relation to the latest statistics as to the uptake of the cycle hire scheme;

(ii)       to note that officers would ascertain if there was a cycle counter on South College Street and advise Members;

(iii)      to request that officers provide information to Members outwith the meeting in relation to (a) whether certain bus routes in Aberdeen had recovered more quickly than others in terms of passenger numbers; and (b) whether long-distance bus travel had seen a rise in passenger numbers since the pandemic;

(iv)      to approve the draft Aberdeen Local Transport Strategy (2023-2030), including its appendices and supporting documents, and instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to publish them, subject to any minor drafting changes, for an eight week period of public consultation (Appendices 1-8); and

(v)      following the consultation, instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning, to report a final Aberdeen Local Transport Strategy (2023-2030) and its appendices and supporting documents back to this Committee in Spring 2024.