Issue - decisions

Beachfront Public Realm Progress Report - Beach Park, Events Park and Broadhill - COM/23/270

15/09/2023 - Beachfront Public Realm Progress Report - Beach Park, Events Park and Broadhill - COM/23/270

The Council resolved:-

(i)           to note the update from the Chief Officer - Commercial and Procurement on progress of the medium-term interventions: Beach Park, Events Park and Broadhill, and approve the Final Business Case in Appendix D;

(ii)          to instruct the Chief Officer - Commercial and Procurement to proceed with the appointment of Hub North Scotland to deliver the Beachfront medium-term interventions, and to report progress to the Finance and Resources Committee on a 6 monthly basis from the date of this report;

(iii)         to instruct the Chief Officer - Commercial and Procurement to liaise with Aberdeen Health Determinants Research Collaboration (AHDRC) to explore possible options for additional evaluation of the social and health and wellbeing impacts of the project and report back to committee within the first year of the Beach Park, Events Park and Broadhill projects being operational; and

(iv)         to note that the Chief Officer - Commercial and Procurement would check on the status of the artificial dunes at the beach covering the old shelter following the query from Councillor Alphonse, and provide an update to members at a later date.

29/08/2023 - Beachfront Public Realm Progress Report - Beach Park, Events Park and Broadhill - COM/23/270

Meeting adjourned - item to be considered on 11 September 2023.