Issue - decisions

Capital Programme Delivery:Projects Update -

28/11/2023 - Capital Programme Delivery: Projects Update - RES/23/363

(i)       note the status of delivery of the Section 3.0 highlighted programmes/projects contained within the approved Capital Programme;

(ii)      note that this report aligns with the Council Financial Performance – Quarter 2 2023/24 report RES/23/378 as reported to this same Committee;

(iii)      approve that £1.42m be vired from the Contingencies budget to the Bridge of Don Household Waste project as outlined in section 3.43;

(iv)     approve the use of £1m from the play park renewal programme budget included in the approved capital programme for the refurbishment of the existing play park at Hazlehead Park as outlined in sections 3.48 – 3.50; and

(v)      to note that the Chief Officer – Capital would seek clarification on the historical information contained within the report relating to when the Council obtained Hazlehead Park and that it be circulated to the members of the Committee.