Issue - decisions

UK Shared Prosperity Fund - COM/24/030

05/02/2024 - UK Shared Prosperity Fund - COM/24/030

UKSPF Communities & Place

(i)       notes that Committee have previously approved a Challenge Fund approach to delivering the Communities & Place strand which enables external organisations and Aberdeen City Council services to apply for funds which meet the criteria of the programme;

(ii)      notes that £3.8m was made available for the Communities & Place strand – £1.9m of which has been allocated in previous rounds and approximately 70% of the £0.9m funding recommended for approval in this round is to be awarded to external organisations;

(iii)      notes that if the below recommendations are approved there is £1m to be allocated within the Communities and Place strand by 31 March 2025;

(iv)     instructs officers to report back to Finance & Resources Committee 13 March 2024 with recommendations on prioritising allocation of remaining funds;

(v)      awards up to £250,976 to Camphill School Aberdeen for a Fully Inclusive Outdoor Sensory Adventure Playground for children and young people with complex support needs;

(vi)     awards up to £14,988.22 to Citymoves Dance Agency for the Strive project;

(vii)     awards up to £129,259 to Flexible Childcare Services Scotland for the Flexible Childcare & Family Support hubs in Tillydrone and Cummings Park;

(viii)    awards up to £67,080 to Visit Aberdeenshire for a Cruise Volunteer Programme;

(ix)     awards up to £106,110 to Greyhope Bay for co-creating sustainable solution for energy transition at Greyhope Bay;

(x)      awards up to £15,000 to Aberdeen Inspired for the Aberdeen Union Street Upper Floors Feasibility Study;

(xi)     awards up to £30,000 to Oldmachar Church of Scotland for an upgraded heating system to enable net zero aspirations;

(xii)     awards up to £275,000 to Aberdeen City Council to deliver a programme of events for Spectra, Scotland’s Festival of Light 2025; and

(xiii)    to instruct the Chief Officer – City Growth to provide further information to members in relation to Culture Impact Reports, specifically how officers evaluate the impact on the wider creative sector.