Issue - decisions

Culture Delivery and Funding Review - COM/24/......

13/02/2024 - Culture Delivery and Funding Review - COM/24/040

The Council resolved:-

(i)             to note the findings and recommendations of the Interim Cultural Funding and Delivery Review report as detailed in Appendix 1, in respect to informing 2024/25 budget decision;

(ii)           to note the Culture Delivery and Funding Review final report would be completed on 10 February 2024 and the funding to external cultural organisations for 2024/25 would be set through the Council budget process on 6 March;

(iii)          to note the social and economic benefits identified through investment in external cultural organisations as set out in the Investment in Culture report, Appendix 2;

(iv)          to instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to begin work on an investment framework and application process for cultural funding, informed by the Culture Review recommendations and to report back to the Finance and Resources Committee in 2024 for approval;

(v)           to note section 3.17 of the report which stated “Analysis of Creative Scotland historic grant awards to Aberdeen across its various open funds and targeted schemes shows that in comparison to other Scottish cities, Aberdeen receives the lowest amount per a head of population at just £7.68, standing in stark contrast to Edinburgh (£53.06) and Glasgow (£40.56)”;

(vi)          agree to instruct the Chief Executive as part of the review to write to both Creative Scotland’s Chief Executive and the Cabinet Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture asking them to confirm why Aberdeen receives significantly less funding from Creative Scotland than any other Scottish city;

(vii)        instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to bring the finalised report back to Council within two cycles with recommendations on issues identified including how we build capacity and resilience within the creative sector and provide clarity of vision; and

(viii)       instruct the Chief Officer - City Growth to write to Culture Aberdeen, Aberdeen Arts Centre, Aberdeen Performing Arts and other appropriate stakeholders exploring the creation of an Aberdeen Cultural Champion.