Issue - decisions

Inspection Reporting - CFS/24/050

23/02/2024 - Inspection Reporting - CFS/24/050

(i)       to note the content of this report;

(ii)       to instruct the Interim Chief Officer – Education to continue to support Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings and schools to implement continuous improvement in keeping with the Quality Framework agreed at Committee in July 2023;

(iii)      to note that there had been a number of ELC settings where inspections had returned a variation of gradings;

(iv)      to reaffirm Aberdeen City Council’s commitment to providing the highest quality Early Learning and Childcare; and acknowledge with encouragement that there was an overall upward trend of improvement in inspections;

(v)      to acknowledge that there had been significant collaboration with officers and Head Teachers to work on improvement through the Collaborative Improvement model; and note that this provided a central monitoring role to allow wider team support for individual schools to provide quality teaching and learning; and

(vi)      therefore, to instruct the Interim Chief Officer - Education to continue to report to committee on the improvement journey; and continue to work closely with Head Teachers to ensure ELC settings were receiving adequate support to deliver high quality ELC provision for all children in Aberdeen City.