Issue - decisions

Performance Management/National Improvement Framework Progress Report - Children's and Family Services - COM/24/052

23/02/2024 - Performance Management/National Improvement Framework Progress Report - Children's and Family Services - COM/24/052

(i)       in relation to school attendance data, to note that the Interim Director of Children’s and Family Services and the Interim Chief Officer – Education would ascertain whether communication could be developed for parents and carers to highlight the potential impacts on, for example, attainment and life expectancy, where school attendance was below 95%;

(ii)       further to the recent behaviour in schools survey undertaken by the EIS, to note the significant, ongoing work to support all school communities so that they could offer a safe, respectful and peaceful environment for all;

(iii)      to instruct the Interim Chief Officer – Education to prepare a report back to the next Committee on managing behaviour in city learning settings; and

(iv)      to note that officers would include within this report (a) detail of work undertaken in relation to improving the processes for reporting incidents in schools and making it easier for school staff to report and (b) information on the outputs from the Magpie Meet held in January 2024 and the sub group of Head Teachers meeting to discuss allocation of resources on staff training etc in respect of anti-bullying.