Issue - decisions

School Estate Plan: Ferryhill School Condition & Suitability Improvements Outline Business Case - F&C/24/XXX

13/05/2024 - Ferryhill School Suitability Improvements: Outline Business Case - F&C/24/135

(i)       approve in principle the recommended option within the outline business case at Appendix A, to refurbish and extend Ferryhill School and to provide a standalone nursery building, in line with the allocation of funding for this project within the Non-Housing Capital Programme, which was approved by Council on 6 March 2024;

(ii)      approve the use of resources to take forwards detailed design development for the recommended option; and

(iii)      instruct the Chief Officer - Corporate Landlord to report back to the Committee with a full business case, within the next 12 months.