(i) to note that the request from the previous meeting to amend table 4 on page 42 of the draft annual accounts, to reflect that from18 March 2024, Councillor Bouse was no longer Vice Convener of Planning Development Management Committee and was in receipt of senior renumeration for his role as Vice Convener of the Anti-Poverty and Inequality Committee had not been included in the accounts before the Committee and that this would be included in the final version;
(ii) to approve the Council’s audited Annual Accounts for the financial year 2023/24 as presented, subject to (i) above and the final amendments being agreed between the external auditors and the Chief Officer – Finance as highlighted in their report, following circulation of those final amendments to the Corporate Management Team and political group leaders; and
(iii) to approve the audited Annual Accounts 2023/24 for those registered charities where the Council is the sole trustee, with the Chief Officer – Finance and Councillor Alex McLellan, as Convener of Finance & Resources Committee, to sign the accounts, subject to the final amendments being agreed as detailed in (ii) above.