Issue - decisions

Aberdeen's Future Library and Information Service Model - F&C/24/240

11/09/2024 - Aberdeen's Future Library and Information Service Model - F&C/24/240

The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the work undertaken to develop a new model for Library and Information Services which aligns more deliberately to “education and lifelong learning” as a determinant of population health;

(ii)            to endorse the working vision for the Library and Information Services outlined at paragraph 3.32;

(iii)          to endorse the Future Model of Library and Information Services presented at paragraphs 3.33 – 3.38;

(iv)          to instruct the Executive Director Families and Communities to present a detailed phased Implementation Plan which reflects plans for internal zoning of the Central Library and testing of the Library and Information Service as an integral part of the emerging model of Family Support to the next meeting of the Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee;

(v)           to note the feedback on the Library and Information Service Management Rules;

(vi)          to agree not to make Library Management Rules;

(vii)         to agree to refer the previous income targets set against the library service to the budget setting process; and

(viii)       to note that the Executive Director – Families and Communities, would engage with Community Councils and ward members in regards to the future library and information service model at community level.