Issue - decisions

Future Operation of Controlled Parking Zones Y and YY (Garthdee and Kaimhill)

15/11/2024 - Future Operation of Controlled Parking Zones Y and YY (Garthdee and Kaimhill) - CR&E/24/313

(i)       to note that discussions were undertaken by officers with Robert Gordon University (RGU), community representatives and local Members;

(ii)       to note that RGU provided options for a 3 or 5 year transition period, part-funded by the Council, reliant on the Council not charging residents for permits during this period;

(iii)      to note the community representatives’ response to the suggested transition period in section 3.4 of this report; and

(iv)      to instruct the Chief Officer - Operations to invite RGU, local Members, and community representatives, including Garthdee Community Council, to a discussion to consider further options and to report back on this as part of the budget process to the Council Budget meeting on 5 March 2025.