(i) to approve and welcome the proposal to relocate the Autism Outreach Service from the Ashgrove Children’s Centre building, and to establish an Early Intervention Space at the new Riverbank School building, as outlined under Option 3 Appendix 1 of the report;
(ii) to instruct the Chief Officer – Education and Lifelong Learning to write to the parents of Riverbank Primary to confirm the timeline for the completion of school, the decant of St Peter’s Primary to the existing school building and the plans for Autism Outreach Service; and
(iii) to instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to continue to monitor pupil numbers at Riverbank and the adjacent primary schools Sunnybank and St Peter’s, the use of space at the new Riverbank School building and to provide updates on any further action required in the future, through the annual School Estate Plan update reports.