Library home - Council Budget Meeting 070322 - Integrated Impact Assessments - Operations - Operations
- 0.5 FTE Early Learning Childcare Locality Lead Post
- Advertising at Household Waste Recycling Centres
- Cease Provision of Free Breakfast
- Cease Provision of Free Fruit
- Cease Provision of Milk
- Closure of Pets Corner
- Diversion of Waste to EFW Facility
- Early Learning and Childcare Capacity Maximisation
- Education Recovery Funding
- Education Support Officer Vacancy
- ELC Cross Boundary Agreement
- Fund Assets in Parks through Grants and Sponsorship
- Gaelic Recharge
- Gaelic Recharge - outwith Aberdeen
- Garden Waste Charge
- Implementation of D365
- Income from Afghan Resettlement Scheme
- Increase Commercial Waste Charges
- Landfill Monitoring Reduction in Fees
- Landfill Monitoring Reduction in Fees
- Maximise Income Generation School Catering (Primary)
- Maximise Income Generation School Catering (Secondary)
- One Off Education Recovery Funding
- Out of Authority Placements - Family Support
- Passenger Transport Unit - Review of Subsidised Services
- Permanent Closure of Pitmedden Road HWRC
- Play Development Budget
- Rationalise and Reduce Number of Litter Bins - Litter Bin Emptying
- Realignment of Family Support Costs to HRA
- Reduce Cleaning Service Provision by 20%
- Reduce drainage maintenance of Road Gullies Hakes
- Reduce Flexibility of DSM Scheme
- Reduce Road Inspections
- Reduce Street Lighting Hours
- Reduction in Seasonal Leaf Clearing
- Removal of SCAI Budget from Chief Social Work Officer
- Remove all Priority 1 School Crossing Patrol service
- Residential Parking Permits
- Restructure GroundsStreet Cleansing team
- Revenue Grant Funding - 5%
- Review grass cutting programmes and maintenance of open space
- Review of Public Toilets
- Review Shrub Maintenance Programmes
- Review with an aim to reduce grounds maintenance in cemeteries
- Staffing reduction - Children's Social Work
- Street Sweeping Disposal
- Wellbeing App
- Workforce Development - New Framework Agreement