Outside bodies
- Aberdeen Airport Consultative Committee
- Aberdeen Area Support Team (Children's Panel)
- Aberdeen Bulawayo Trust
- Aberdeen City Heritage Trust
- Aberdeen Endowment Trust
- Aberdeen Foyer
- Aberdeen Gomel Trust
- Aberdeen Heat and Power
- Aberdeen Outdoor Access Forum
- Aberdeen Performing Arts
- Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group
- Aberdeen Science Centre
- Aberdeen Sports Village
- Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE)
- Care and Repair Initiative Scotland - Aberdeen Agency
- Champions Board
- Citizens Advice Bureau Management Committee
- Commmunity Food Initiatives North East (CFINE) Board
- Community Planning Aberdeen Board
- COSLA Board - Children and Young People
- COSLA Board - Community Wellbeing
- COSLA Board - Environment and Economy
- COSLA Board - Health and Social Care
- COSLA Convention
- Disabled Persons Housing Service
- East Grampian Coastal Partnership Management Group
- Fairer Aberdeen Fund Board
- Gordon Highlanders Museum Advisory Group
- Governors of Oakbank School
- Grampian Houston Association
- Grampian Regional Equality Council
- Grampian Valuation Joint Board
- Highland Reserves Forces and Cadets Association
- MacDonald Art Committee
- Marguerite McBey Trust
- Middlefield Community Project Management Committee
- Mitchell's Hospital Trust
- NESTRANS (North East Scotland Transportation Partnership)
- NHS Grampian Board
- North East Agricultural Advisory Committee
- North East of Scotland Port Welfare Committee
- North East Scotland Fisheries Development Partnership
- North East Sensory Service (NESS)
- Northern Roads Collaboration Joint Committee
- ONE (Opportunity North East)
- Peacock Visual Arts Ltd.
- Printfield Community Project
- Proctor's Orphanage Trust
- Robbs Trust
- Robert Nicol Trust
- Rubislaw Field Committee
- Scotland Excel - Centre for Procurement Expertise for Local Government
- Scottish Local Government Against Poverty
- Shopmobility Management Committee
- Sport Aberdeen
- St Machar Parents Support Project
- Transition Extreme Limited Board
- Veterans Champion
- Visit Aberdeenshire
- William Harvey Trust
- World Energy Cities Partnership