Your Councillors
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Councillor Gill Al-SamaraiDyce/ Bucksburn/ Danestone
Scottish National Party
Councillor Nurul Hoque AliBridge of Don
Scottish Labour
Councillor Christian AllardTorry/ Ferryhill
Scottish National Party
Councillor Alison AlphonseBridge of Don
Scottish National Party
Councillor Kate BlakeKingswells / Sheddocksley / Summerhill
Scottish Labour
Councillor Jennifer BonsellMidstocket/ Rosemount
Scottish Labour
Councillor Marie BoultonLower Deeside
Councillor Desmond BouseGeorge Street/ Harbour
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Councillor Richard BrooksKincorth / Nigg / Cove
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Councillor David Cameron, the Lord ProvostKingswells / Sheddocksley / Summerhill
Scottish National Party
Councillor Hazel CameronHilton / Woodside / Stockethill
Scottish National Party
Councillor Donna ClarkNorthfield / Mastrick North
Scottish National Party
Councillor John CookeHazlehead/Queen's Cross/Countesswells
Scottish National Party
Councillor Neil CoplandHilton / Woodside / Stockethill
Scottish National Party
Councillor Bill CormieMidstocket/ Rosemount
Scottish National Party
Councillor Barney CrockettDyce/ Bucksburn/ Danestone
Councillor Sarah CrossBridge of Don
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Councillor Derek DavidsonAiryhall/ Broomhill/ Garthdee
Scottish National Party
Councillor Steve Delaney, the Depute ProvostKingswells / Sheddocksley / Summerhill
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Councillor Lee FairfullTorry/ Ferryhill
Scottish National Party
Councillor Emma FarquharMidstocket/ Rosemount
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Councillor Gordon GrahamNorthfield / Mastrick North
Scottish Labour
Councillor Ross GrantTillydrone/ Seaton/ Old Aberdeen
Scottish Labour
Councillor Martin GreigHazlehead/Queen's Cross/Countesswells
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Councillor Dell HenricksonGeorge Street/ Harbour
Scottish National Party
Councillor Ryan HoughtonAiryhall/ Broomhill/ Garthdee
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Councillor Michael HutchisonGeorge Street/ Harbour
Scottish National Party
Councillor Michael KusznirTorry/ Ferryhill
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Councillor Graeme LawrenceDyce/ Bucksburn/ Danestone
Scottish Labour
Councillor Sandra MacdonaldGeorge Street/ Harbour
Scottish Labour
Councillor Neil MacGregorDyce/ Bucksburn/ Danestone
Scottish National Party
Councillor M. Tauqeer MalikLower Deeside
Scottish Labour
Councillor Duncan MasseyLower Deeside
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Councillor Alexander McLellanTillydrone/ Seaton/ Old Aberdeen
Scottish National Party
Councillor Ken McLeodHazlehead/Queen's Cross/Countesswells
Scottish Conservative and Unionist
Councillor Ciarán McRaeNorthfield / Mastrick North
Scottish National Party
Councillor Jessica MennieBridge of Don
Scottish National Party
Councillor Alex NicollKincorth / Nigg / Cove
Councillor Miranda RadleyKincorth / Nigg / Cove
Scottish National Party
Councillor Mrs Jennifer StewartHazlehead/Queen's Cross/Countesswells
Councillor Kairin van SweedenTillydrone/ Seaton/ Old Aberdeen
Scottish National Party
Councillor Lynn ThomsonKincorth / Nigg / Cove
Scottish Labour
Councillor Deena TisseraHilton / Woodside / Stockethill
Scottish Labour
Councillor Simon WatsonTorry/ Ferryhill
Scottish Labour
Councillor Ian YuillAiryhall/ Broomhill/ Garthdee
Scottish Liberal Democrats