Outside body
NESTRANS (North East Scotland Transportation Partnership)
NESTRANS is the statutory Regional Transport Partnership. Its Board comprises 4 City Council members, 4 Aberdeenshire Council members and 4 non Councillor members. Its primary function is to develop a Regional Transport Strategy, setting the context for transport improvements, as economic development enablers, across the City and Shire Region.
Contact information
Archibald Simpson Building
27-29 King Street
AB24 5WA
Phone: 01224 346680
Website: http://www.nestrans.org.uk
Aberdeen City Council is not responsible for the content of any external link
Our representatives
- Councillor Michael Hutchison
- Councillor Sandra Macdonald
- Councillor Miranda Radley
- Councillor Ian Yuill
- Councillor Kate Blake (Reserve)
- Councillor Alex Nicoll (Reserve)