Decision details
Scheme of Governance Review - GOV/20/035
Decision Maker: Council
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
(i) notes Aberdeen City Council had been named as a finalist in the annual LGC Awards with Aberdeen being the only Scottish authority to have been shortlisted; and agrees that this recognition by the LGC Awards judging panel was a reward for the efforts of the thousands of Aberdeen City Council staff who were at the heart of everything we do and therefor;
(ii) approves recommendations 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 2.4, 2.6, 2.9, 2.14, 2.16, and 2.20 as contained in the report;
(iii) approves the revised Standing Orders for Council, Committee and Sub Committee Meetings as contained at Appendix A to the Motion with immediate effect;
(iv) approves the revised Procurement Regulations as contained at Appendix B to the Motion with effect from 1 April 2020;
(v) approves the revised Member Officer Relations Protocol, with effect from 1 April 2020 subject to the deletion of 4.1.3D;
(vi) approves the membership number and composition of each committee as detailed in the table appended to this decision sheet; and appoints members on the basis that names of members would be provided to the Chief Officer - Governance after this meeting and that the Chief Officer - Governance be authorised to finalise membership of committees where required;
(vii) approves the status quo (as detailed in the table appended to this decision sheet) in terms of:
a. appointments to Convener and Vice Convener to the committees listed in paragraph 5.2 with the exception that Councillor Alex Nicoll be appointed as Convener of the Audit, Risk and Scrutiny Committee;
b. the positions detailed at paragraph 6.1 of the report; and
c. the remuneration of the Lord Provost and one post of Council Leader and the allocation, and amount in each case, of senior councillor allowances, on the basis of the guidance contained in paragraphs 7.2 to 7.3 of the report;
(viii) approves the membership number and composition for each working group as detailed in Appendix C to the Motion; and appoints members on the basis that names could be provided to the Chief Officer - Governance after the meeting and that he be authorised to finalise membership where required;
(ix) appoints 9 members to the Appointment Panel and agrees the composition (of 2 Aberdeen Labour, 2 Conservative, 1 Independent Alliance, 1 Liberal Democrat and 3 SNP) for the Panel and appoints members on the basis that names could be provided to the Chief Officer - Governance after the meeting and that he be authorised to finalise membership where required;
(x) approves the composition for each of the joint committees/partnerships as detailed at Appendix D to the Motion,and appoints members and substitutes (where applicable) on the basis that names could be provided to the Chief Officer - Governance after the meeting and that he be authorised to finalise membership where required;
(xi) approves the appointment of members and compositions in respect of the various outside bodies listed in Appendix E to the Motion and appoints members on the basis that names could be provided to the Chief Officer - Governance after the meeting and that he be authorised to finalise membership where required;
(xii) agrees to withdraw from the East of Scotland European Consortium;
(xiii) notes the resignation of Councillor Donnelly from the Licensing Board and elects Councillor Sellar to fill the vacancy on the Licensing Board; and
(xiv) agrees to formally establish the Members’ Services Working Group with 5 members with the remit of discussing, and identifying solutions, for any operational issues that impact members and a composition of 1 Aberdeen Labour, 1 Conservative, 1 Independent Alliance, 1 Liberal Democrat and 1 SNP.
Publication date: 04/03/2020
Date of decision: 02/03/2020
Decided at meeting: 02/03/2020 - Council
Accompanying Documents:
- Scheme of Governance Review III PDF 112 KB
- Appendix A Scheme of Governance - Introduction (1) PDF 1 MB
- Appendix B Proposed New TORs 2020 no tracked changes (030220) PDF 555 KB
- Appendix B Proposed New TORs 2020 Tracked Change PDF 860 KB
- Appendix C Powers_Delegated to Officers PDF 962 KB
- Appendicx D Proposed Standing_Orders_2019 tracked changes PDF 3 MB
- Appendix D Proposed Standing_Orders_2019 replacement PDF 967 KB
- Appendix E Financial regulations Table of Proposed Changes PDF 62 KB
- Appendix E Proposed Financial Regulations PDF 834 KB
- Appendix E Proposed Financial Regulations replacement PDF 907 KB
- Appendix F - Table of Proposed Amendments PRs PDF 72 KB
- Appendix F - Proposed Procurement_Regulations3 PDF 3 MB
- Appendix F Proposed Procurement Regulations replacement PDF 594 KB
- Appendix G Proposed Member_Officer_Relations_Protocol_2019 Tracked Changes PDF 2 MB
- Appendix G Proposed Member_Officer_Relations_Protocol_2019 replacement PDF 584 KB
- Appendices H, I,J, K and L PDF 112 KB
- Appendix M Resignation PDF 16 KB
- Motion PDF 171 KB
- Motion - Proposed Standing Orders PDF 973 KB
- Motion - Proposed Procurement Regulations PDF 600 KB
- Motion - Appendix C PDF 15 KB
- Motion - Appendix D PDF 15 KB
- Motion - Appendix E PDF 88 KB