Decision details
Committee Business Planner
Decision Maker: Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
(i) in relation to item 4 (Building Performance Criteria), to note that officers were working on a specification and an update would be provided to either the next meeting or the one immediately after;
(ii) to agree to remove item 8 (Various Small Scale Traffic Management – Stage 2) as there had been no objections received and therefore there was no requirement for a report;
(iii) to agree to remove item 10 (Flood Risk Management Strategies) as no decisions were required from the Committee and therefore a service update had been made available instead;
(iv) in relation to item 45 (Energy Transition Zone Training and Jobs Plan), to note that due to the timing of committee meetings, a report was due to be presented to the Finance and Resources Committee, and that the Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning would seek confirmation from the Chief Officer – City Growth that this was on track, and advise Members accordingly;
(v) to note the reasons for the delay to the other reports as set out in the planner;
(vi) to note that although most reports on the agenda had relevance to Net Zero, officers were undertaking a review of what was presented to Committee and would prepare a report on strategies and a further report on the workplan for the next 12-18 months around Net Zero for the next meeting;
(vii) to note that officers from Strategic Place Planning and Governance were reviewing the business planner to ascertain if report linkages to the six enabling strategies could be reflected, following the addition of the Aberdeen Adapts column;
(viii) to note that officers were reviewing the Net Zero content on the Aberdeen City Council website and were in dialogue with the Met Office, and would take on board the suggestions from Members about the inclusion of information on long term climate trends and CO2 parts per million; and
(ix) to otherwise note the planner.
Publication date: 10/03/2023
Date of decision: 07/03/2023
Decided at meeting: 07/03/2023 - Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee
Accompanying Documents: