Decision details
Place Based Investment Programme - COM/23/096
Decision Maker: Finance and Resources Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
Place Based Investment Programme 2022/23
(i) Notes the withdrawal of the commitment to the Woodside Gateway project which had been allocated £100,000;
(ii) Notes that in line with the Committee decision on 07/12/2022 an additional £10,987 was awarded to Fersands Fountain Community Project following consultation with Convener of Finance and Resources;
(iii) Approves an initial award of £90,994 to Aberdeen City Council for the Tolbooth Museum External Improvements and Structural Repairs project, and agrees that any funds which become available from previously approved PBIP 2022/23 projects, be re-allocated to this project;
(iv) Notes that any PBIP 2022/23 funds allocated to the Tolbooth project will reduce the value of UK Shared Prosperity Funds allocated to the project by the same value;
(v) Agrees to transfer the allocation of £253,981 to Tillydrone Community Development Trust for the Benholms Gateway project from the 2022/23 programme to the 2023/24 programme;
Place Based Investment Programme 2023/24
(vi) Approves an award of up to £155,615 to Aberdeen City Council for The Street Design – Woodside Gateway project;
(vii) Approves the application from Camphill School Aberdeen for the Murtle Market project;
(viii) Rejects the application from Aberdeen Social Centre for the Aberdeen Alternative Arts Festival project; and
(ix) Notes that Castlegate Arts are developing preparatory work to make further improvements to its facilities and instructs the Chief Officer – City Growth to engage with Castlegate Arts to explore the suitability of future Place Based Investment Funding that can assist with capital investment options for the King Street premises.
Publication date: 03/04/2023
Date of decision: 29/03/2023
Decided at meeting: 29/03/2023 - Finance and Resources Committee
Accompanying Documents: