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Decision details

Tillydrone Primary School - RES/23/095

Decision Maker: Finance and Resources Committee

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(i)       Notes the current on-going work leading to completion of the construction of the Replacement Riverbank Primary School in Summer 2024;

(ii)       Notes following the retender exercise the total development budget saving is estimated as circa £6 million;

(iii)      Notes that Council Officers will engage with stakeholders at key project milestones as detailed in the report;

(iv)      Notes the current on-going work leading to completion of the construction of the replacement Riverbank Primary School and thanks the Chief Officer - Capital and his team for their work in progressing the project;

(v)      Notes the reappointment of Robertson Construction with a contract sum circa £24.8 million;

(vi)      Notes the milestones that have been tabled within the report and also notes the significant planning and preparation that will be involved in the decant to the new school and that the school community needs firm clarity on when the construction will conclude;

(vii)     Agrees therefore to affirm its commitment to opening the new Riverbank Primary in time for occupation in Summer 2024 and if the Chief Officer - Capital considers any delay to be so significant that it will affect the target opening, he will notify members of the Committee, the school headteacher, the parent council and group leaders;  

(viii)    Note that Council Officers will engage with stakeholders at key project milestones as detailed in the report and notes a recent meeting of the Riverbank Parent Council and council officers led to a number of suggestions being made;

(ix)      Instructs the Chief Officer – Capital to present the engagement plan to the parent council, seeking their input and approval to ensure that engagement will be meaningful, proactive and meet their needs and expectations; and

(x)      Instructs the Chief Officer – Capital to circulate an exempt Service Update on the current position of the project regarding the recent procurement process,  identifying areas where significant cost savings were made and the reasons likely attributed to how they came about.

Publication date: 03/04/2023

Date of decision: 29/03/2023

Decided at meeting: 29/03/2023 - Finance and Resources Committee

Accompanying Documents: