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Decision details

Net Zero, Environment and Transport Performance Report - COM/23/160

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(i)              in relation to page 36 of the report and the A, B, C class and unclassified roads performance indicators, to note that officers would provide an indication of the road lengths for each category in future reports;

(ii)             to request that officers include information in future reports on the percentage of waste going to the Energy from Waste facility;

(iii)           to note that the Chief Officer – Operations and Protective Services would ask the Waste and Recycling Manager to provide information to Members outwith the meeting in respect of (a) waste tonnage and whether this was reducing or not, and (b) the expected tonnage going to the Energy from Waste Facility and how that compared to tonnage overall;

(iv)           to request that a service update be provided to Members outwith the meeting on the uptake for the reuse facility at Hazlehead Recycling Centre and any plans to expand the facility elsewhere; and

(v)            to otherwise note the report.

Publication date: 22/06/2023

Date of decision: 20/06/2023

Decided at meeting: 20/06/2023 - Net Zero, Environment and Transport Committee

Accompanying Documents: