Decision details
Declarations of Interest and Transparency Statements
Decision Maker: Finance and Resources Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
(1) Councillor Greig declared an interest in relation to agenda item 9.3 (UK Shared Prosperity Fund) by virtue of him being a Council appointed member of Aberdeen Performing Arts Board. He considered that the nature of his interest would require him to leave the meeting prior to consideration of the item;
(2) Councillor Nicoll advised that he had a connection in relation to items 7.1 (Notice of Motion by Councillor Crockett – City region Deal), 11.2 (North East of Scotland Green Freeport – Update) and 11.4 (Energy Transition Zone Jobs and Skills Plan) by virtue of him being a Council appointed member of a number of outside bodies. He considered that the nature of his interests would not require him to leave the meeting prior to consideration of the item;
(3) Councillor Radley declared an interest in relation to agenda item 9.3 (UK Shared Prosperity Fund) by virtue of her being a Council appointed member of Visit Aberdeenshire Board. She considered that the nature of her interest would require her to leave the meeting prior to consideration of the item;
(4) Councillor Grant advised that he had a connection in relation to item 9.5 (Tillydrone Primary School) by virtue of his children attending Riverbank Primary School and that his wife was a member of Tillydrone Parent Council. He considered that the nature of his interests would not require him to leave the meeting prior to consideration of the item;
(5) Councillor Grant declared an interest in relation to agenda items 9.2 (Place Based Investment Programme) and 9.3 (UK Shared Prosperity Fund) by virtue of him being the previous Chairman of the Tillydrone Community Development Trust; and item 10.2 (Christmas Village Feedback Report) by virtue of him being an employee of Aberdeen Inspired. He considered that the nature of his interests would require him to leave the meeting prior to consideration of these items; and
(6) Councillor Fairfull declared an interest in relation to agenda item 9.3 (UK Shared Prosperity Fund) by virtue of her being a Council appointed member of Aberdeen Performing Arts Board. She considered that the nature of her interest would require her to leave the meeting prior to consideration of the item.
Publication date: 03/04/2023
Date of decision: 29/03/2023
Decided at meeting: 29/03/2023 - Finance and Resources Committee