Decision details
Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2023 - Proposed Aberdeen Planning Guidance and Supplementary Guidance - COM/23/303
Decision Maker: Council
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Council resolved:-
(i) to note the comments received during the recent public consultation on the proposed Aberdeen Planning Guidance and Supplementary Guidance documents, and approve officers’ responses to the consultation comments, as outlined in Appendix 1;
(ii) to note that officers had reviewed the draft Aberdeen Planning Guidance and Supplementary Guidance documents to take account of National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) and had suggested minor technical changes to the documents as a result;
(iii) to note the ongoing partnership working between officers within Strategic Place Planning and Public Health Scotland and NHS Grampian to understand how each document related either directly or indirectly to improving health and wellbeing and working towards achieving the Public Health Priorities for Scotland;
(iv) to agree the proposed Aberdeen Planning Guidance documents in Appendix 2 and approve their adoption as non-statutory planning advice to support the Local Development Plan 2023;
(v) to agree the proposed Supplementary Guidance on Planning Obligations in Appendix 3 and adopt it as Interim Planning Advice until such time as it could be formally adopted as statutory Supplementary Guidance in accordance with resolution (vi) below;
(vi) to instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to submit the proposed Supplementary Guidance on Planning Obligations to Scottish Ministers for ratification and, once this was received, adopt the document as statutory Supplementary Guidance to accompany the Local Development Plan 2023;
(vii) to instruct the Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to update the draft Aberdeen Planning Guidance on Wind Turbine Development in light of consultation responses received and the policy shift within NPF4 and incorporate it within draft Aberdeen Planning Guidance on Renewable Energy Development, a draft of which should be reported to the Planning Development Management Committee within 12 months; and
(viii) to agree that the following historic non-statutory planning advice notes, which supported the 2017 Local Development Plan, were no longer required and should be revoked:
· Hillhead Campus Planning Brief
· Pinewood/Hazledene Planning Brief
· Murcar Development Framework
· Fire Station, North Anderson Drive Planning Brief
Publication date: 08/11/2023
Date of decision: 03/11/2023
Decided at meeting: 03/11/2023 - Council
Accompanying Documents: