Decision details
Final Financial Settlement from Transport Scotland for the De-trunking of the A92/A96 - CR&E/25/020
Decision Maker: Finance and Resources Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
(a) note the summary of the full and final settlement proposed by Transport Scotland as detailed in Appendix A, including the additional amount of£2,884,051.88 for the work required to be carried out on the de-trunked sections of road, as of 1st April 2023, to bring them up to average national standards;
(b) note the combined settlement figures in Appendix A, which amount to the full and final settlement total of £10,954,849.23;
(c) delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Operations to accept from Transport Scotland the full and final settlement as detailed in Appendix A and, following consultation with the Chief Officer - Commercial and Procurement Services, to arrange for the execution of the Settlement Agreements issued by Transport Scotland (as detailed in paragraph 5.2);
(d) instruct the Chief Officer – Operations to add the agreed repairs to the current works programme, as itemised in Appendix A, and implement the required repairs in order to maintain these roads to the required standards;
(e) instruct the Chief Officer – Operations to, following consultation with the Chief Officer - Commercial and Procurement Services, undertake or instruct appropriate procedures in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Eegulations to procure the works, supplies and services (referenced in recommendation 2.1 above) and award contracts relating thereto;
(f) note that Revenue and Capital expenditures for the maintenance of the detrunked road and new link road will be an annual requirement in future years ; and
(g) note the floor adjustment to the Grant Aided Expenditure (GAE) awarded to Aberdeen City Council as detailed in section 4.4.
Publication date: 17/02/2025
Date of decision: 12/02/2025
Decided at meeting: 12/02/2025 - Finance and Resources Committee
Accompanying Documents: