Decision details
UK Shared Prosperity Fund - CR&E/25/027
Decision Maker: Finance and Resources Committee
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
UK Shared Prosperity Fund 2022-25: Local Business Support
(a) note that an underspend of £135,700 has been recorded from previously approved projects within the Local Business Support priority;
(b) approve an amendment to the Investment Plan submitted in 2022 with the inclusion of an additional intervention “S14: Funding for the development of the visitor economy”;
(c) approve an allocation to Aberdeen City Council of up to £115,000 for the Freebie Fortnight project;
(d) approve an allocation to Aberdeen City Council in partnership with Aberdeen Inspired of up to £10,000 to support the development of online resources and marketing of the Love Local Card;
(e) approve an allocation to Aberdeen City Council of up to £10,700 for the development of the travel trade tours offered by the Countryside Ranger Service;
UK Shared Prosperity Fund 2022-25
(f) note that the £7.1m received from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund has again been fully allocated for delivery by March 31st 2025;
(g) authorise the Chief Officer – City Development and Regeneration – to reallocate any future declared underspend to new projects up to a maximum of £30,000 per project, following consultation with the Convener and Vice Convener of this Committee, to ensure that the maximum UKSPF investment is retained within Aberdeen;
UK Shared Prosperity Fund 2025/26
(h) note that UK Government have announced a one year extension to the programme with an allocation of £2,346,857 to the Council; and
(i) approve the allocation of £93,874 to contribute towards management costs of the scheme, as per UKSPF regulations which details that 4% of funds can be retained by Local Authorities to ensure robust delivery and monitoring of the UKSPF Programme.
Publication date: 17/02/2025
Date of decision: 12/02/2025
Decided at meeting: 12/02/2025 - Finance and Resources Committee
Accompanying Documents: