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Issue - meetings

Lagan Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Contract Renewal

Meeting: 26/09/2013 - Finance, Policy and Resources Committee (Item 36)

Lagan Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Contract Renewal (CG/13/096)


to approve the recommendations contained in the exempt report.


The Committee had before it a report by the acting Director of Corporate Governance which sought approval to (a) invoke Standing Order 1(6)(a) of the Council’s Standing Orders Relating to Contracts and Procurement and thereby exempt a contract for the provision of support and maintenance of the Lagan Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System from the requirement to go out to competitive tender and to advertise on the Public Contracts Scotland Portal on the grounds that the exemption was justified by special circumstances; and (b) renew the existing contract for a period of three years and approve the estimated expenditure detailed in the report.


The report recommended –

that the Committee -

(a)       approve the expenditure for renewal of the Lagan CRM System support and maintenance contract with Kana Software Incorporated for a three year period; and

(b)       agree not to go out to competitive tender for the Lagan CRM System support and maintenance contract due to the special circumstances detailed in the report.


The Committee resolved:-

to approve the recommendations.