Issue - meetings
Regional Economic Strategy
Meeting: 16/12/2015 - Council (Item 10)
10 Regional Economic Strategy and City Region Deal Update - CHI/15/340 PDF 91 KB
Additional documents:
- Regional Economic Strategy, item 10
- Regional Economic Strategy and City Deal - EHRIA, item 10
PDF 373 KB
(i) to approve the Regional Economic Strategy for the North East of Scotland, subject to (a) approval of the Strategy by Aberdeenshire Council; and (b) a full Strategic Environmental Assessment or Habitat Regulations Assessment not being required; and
(ii) to note the update on progress on the Aberdeen City Region Deal.
The Council had before it a report by the Chief Executive which sought approval of the new Regional Economic Strategy and provided an update on progress on the Aberdeen City Region Deal.
The report recommended:-
that the Council -
(a) approve the Regional Economic Strategy for the North East of Scotland, subject to (1) approval of the Strategy by Aberdeenshire Council; and (2) a full Strategic Environmental Assessment or Habitat Regulations Assessment not being required; and
(b) note the update on progress on the Aberdeen City Region Deal.
The Council resolved:-
to approve the recommendations.