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Issue - meetings

Strategic Risk Register

Meeting: 21/11/2017 - Risk, Audit and Performance Committee (Item 7)

7 Strategic Risk Register pdf icon PDF 191 KB

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The Committee had before it a report by the Chief Finance Officer which presented the revised Strategic Risk Register for comment and discussion.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee -

(a)          Note the content of the report; and

(b)          Discuss the escalation of any risks to the IJB for further discussion.


The Committee reviewed the risk register and there was discussion on risks relating to (1) hosted services; (2) significant market failure; (3) IJB reputational damage; and (4) regional commissioning and possible implications of the revised Care Home Contract for North East social care market. Thereafter the Committee recommended a number of revisions for the Partnership’s consideration.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to request that consideration be given to revise the rationale of Risk 1 (Significant Market Failure) to take account of the ongoing Care Home Contract negotiations and anticipated geographic challenges for the North East social care market;

(ii)          to request that additional detail be inserted within the mitigation section of Risk 8 (Reputational Damage) to highlight the provision of regular updates to stakeholders on the delivery of Partnership strategies;

(iii)         to request that the report prepared by the North East Partnership Group on hosted services be presented to the Committee’s next meeting;

(iv)         to request that the colour coding of risks be reviewed to ensure accurate allocation throughout the risk register; and

(v)          otherwise note the register.