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Issue - meetings

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Meeting: 10/10/2018 - Public Protection Committee (Item 8)

Notice of motion


There were no notices of motion.



There were no notices of motion.

Meeting: 04/07/2018 - Public Protection Committee (Item 7)

Notices of Motion


There were no notices of motion.



There were no notices of motion.

Meeting: 19/06/2018 - City Growth and Resources Committee (Item 6)

6 British Heart Foundation - Urgent Notice of Motion by Convener pdf icon PDF 83 KB

That the Committee:-


1.         Notes the attached letter from the British Heart Foundation Scotland;

2.         Instructs the Chief Operating Officer to write to Daniel Jones, Policy and Public Affairs Officer, British Heart Foundation Scotland to invite him to meet with Administration leaders to discuss how best Aberdeen City Council can bring forward proposals around delivering training to secondary school pupils on CPR;

3.         Instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to submit a Service Update prior to the meeting of this committee on 27 November 2018 to confirm registration of defibrillators on council premises, in support of the Scottish Ambulance Services' national campaign; and

4.         Instructs the Chief Officer - Finance to set aside £5,000 from the Common Good account to help move these initiatives forward.


(i)        to note the attached letter from the British Heart Foundation Scotland;

(ii)       to instruct the Chief Operating Officer to write to Daniel Jones, Policy and Public Affairs Officer, British Heart Foundation Scotland to invite him to meet with Group leaders to discuss how best Aberdeen City Council can bring forward proposals around delivering training to secondary school pupils on CPR;

(iii)      to instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to submit a Service Update prior to the meeting of this committee on 27 November 2018 to confirm registration of defibrillators on council premises, in support of the Scottish Ambulance Services' national campaign;

(iv)      to instruct the Chief Officer - Finance to set aside £5,000 from the Common Good account to help move these initiatives forward, with this being reflected in the quarterly financial reporting for 2018/19 and thereafter, to be considered as part of the budget process in future years; and

(v)       that officers circulate details of any CPR training currently being provided within schools for staff and/or pupils to all members of the Committee.


In accordance with the decision recorded under article 1, the Committee had before it an urgent Notice of Motion by the Convener in the following terms:-

            that the Committee:-

(1)        notes the attached letter from the British Heart Foundation Scotland;

(2)        instructs the Chief Operating Officer to write to Daniel Jones, Policy and Public Affairs Officer, British Heart Foundation Scotland to invite him to meet with Administration leaders to discuss how best Aberdeen City Council can bring forward proposals around delivering training to secondary school pupils on CPR;

(3)       instructs the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to submit a Service Update prior to the meeting of this committee on 27 November 2018 to confirm registration of defibrillators on council premises, in support of the Scottish Ambulance Services' national campaign; and

(4)       instructs the Chief Officer - Finance to set aside £5,000 from the Common Good account to help move these initiatives forward.


The Convener moved his Notice of Motion and explained the rationale behind it.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)        to note the attached letter from the British Heart Foundation Scotland;

(ii)       to instruct the Chief Operating Officer to write to Daniel Jones, Policy and Public Affairs Officer, British Heart Foundation Scotland to invite him to meet with Group leaders to discuss how best Aberdeen City Council can bring forward proposals around delivering training to secondary school pupils on CPR;

(iii)      to instruct the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord to submit a Service Update prior to the meeting of this committee on 27 November 2018 to confirm registration of defibrillators on council premises, in support of the Scottish Ambulance Services' national campaign;

(iv)      to instruct the Chief Officer - Finance to set aside £5,000 from the Common Good account to help move these initiatives forward, with this being reflected in the quarterly financial reporting for 2018/19 and thereafter, to be considered as part of the budget process in future years; and

(v)       that officers circulate details of any CPR training currently being provided within schools for staff and/or pupils to all members of the Committee.

Meeting: 09/05/2018 - Public Protection Committee (Item 7)

Notice of Motion


There were no notices of motion.


There were no notices of motion.

Meeting: 24/04/2018 - City Growth and Resources Committee (Item 4)

Notice of Motion by Councillor Nicoll - Former Craighill Primary School Site

That the City Growth and Resources Committee:-

  1. Notes that the former Craighill Primary School site in Heatherwick Road, Aberdeen, has been a vacant brownfield site for over 5 years.  The site has been identified by the Council as suitable for development for housing since 2014 and that to date there is no timescale for the work commencing;
  2. Notes that the former school site had buildings to the north side of the site, which is a now a hard core type surface and a grass playing field to the south side bordering Gardner Drive.  The site is now overgrown, attracts fly tipping and wind-blown litter and is at present unsightly. The site is surrounded by a circa1.5m metal railing fence with gates which are padlocked to prevent pedestrian access;
  3. Notes that the site sits within a residential area of the Kincorth housing scheme and that there are limited facilities in the area for children to play safely; and
  4. Instructs the Director of Resources to investigate the financial costs and details of the work which would be required to bring the site back into use as a children’s play area until such time as detailed development plans are brought forward and implemented to bring the site back into use for residential housing, and that a report in this regard be brought back to the next meeting of the Committee in June.


to take no action.


The Committee had before it a Notice of Motion by Councillor Nicoll in the following terms:-

            that the Committee:-

(1)       notes that the former Craighill Primary School site in Heatherwick Road, Aberdeen, has been a vacant brownfield site for over 5 years. The site has been identified by the Council as suitable for development for housing since 2014 and that to date there is no timescale for the work commencing;

(2)       note that the former school site had buildings to the north side of the site, which is a now a hard core type surface and a grass playing field to the south side bordering Gardner Drive. The site is now overgrown, attracts fly tipping and wind-blown litter and is at present unsightly. The site is surrounded by a circa1.5m metal railing fence with gates which are padlocked to prevent pedestrian access;

(3)       notes that the site sits within a residential area of the Kincorth housing scheme and that there are limited facilities in the area for children to play safely; and

(4)       instructs the Director of Resources to investigate the financial costs and details of the work which would be required to bring the site back into use as a children’s play area until such time as detailed development plans are brought forward and implemented to bring the site back into use for residential housing, and that a report in this regard be brought back to the next meeting of the Committee in June.


Councillor Nicoll moved his Notice of Motion and explained the rationale behind his request. Councillor Nicoll was seconded by Councillor Dunbar.


The Convener, seconded by the Vice Convener, moved as an amendment:-

            to take no action.


On a division, there voted:- for the motion (4) – Councillors Flynn, Nicoll, Townson and Yuill; for the amendment (5) – the Convener, the Vice Convener and Councillors Donnelly, Houghton and Laing.


The Committee resolved:-

to adopt the amendment.