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Issue - meetings

Update on Recruitment of Developer Obligations Officer

Meeting: 24/04/2018 - City Growth and Resources Committee (Item 7)

7 Update on Recruitment of Developer Obligations Officer - GOV/18/005 pdf icon PDF 92 KB


(i)        to note with disappointment the Council has been unable to recruit a Developer Obligations Team Leader;

(ii)       to instruct the Interim Chief Officer of Strategic Place Planning to liaise with HR to enquire if any current employee who may be suitable for potential redeployment to this post taking into consideration the budget set aside from the existing corporate training budget to fund retraining and redeployment costs;

(iii)      to instruct the Interim Chief Officer of Strategic Place Planning following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to agree to a 12-month extension to the Service Level Agreement with Aberdeenshire Council for the provision of Developer Obligations Services; and

(iv)      to instruct the Interim Chief Officer of Strategic Place Planning to report back to committee in 9 months to report on recruitment and operation of the Developer Obligation Service.


The Committee had before it a report by the Interim Chief Officer – Strategic Place Planning which provided an update on progress to appoint a new Developer Obligations Team Leader and to request approval to implement temporary measures while the recruitment process continued.


The report recommended:-

that the Committee –

(a)       instruct the Interim Chief Officer of Strategic Place Planning following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to agree to a 12 month extension to the Service Level Agreement with Aberdeenshire Council for the provision of Developer Obligations Services;

(b)       instruct the Interim Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to report back to committee at the end of the 12 month period if an officer has not been appointed; and

(c)       approve to alter a previous committee decision from November 2017 (CHI/17/248) requiring the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development in consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement to terminate the Service Level Agreement with Aberdeenshire Council, to allow recommendations (a) and (b) above, to be implemented.    


The Committee resolved:-

(i)        to note with disappointment the Council has been unable to recruit a Developer Obligations Team Leader;

(ii)       to instruct the Interim Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to liaise with HR to enquire if any current employee may be suitable for potential redeployment to this post taking into consideration the budget set aside from the existing corporate training budget to fund retraining and redeployment costs;

(iii)      to instruct the Interim Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning following consultation with the Head of Commercial and Procurement Services, to agree to a 12-month extension to the Service Level Agreement with Aberdeenshire Council for the provision of Developer Obligations Services; and

(iv)      to instruct the Interim Chief Officer - Strategic Place Planning to report back to committee in 9 months to report on recruitment and operation of the Developer Obligation Service.