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Issue - meetings

UKAS Annual Audit for Scientific Service

Meeting: 04/07/2018 - Public Protection Committee (Item 14)

14 UKAS Annual Audit of Scientific Service - CUS/18/015 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

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(i)          to note the work being undertaken to implement and develop the recommendations of assessment of the Aberdeen Scientific Services Laboratory;

(ii)         to clarify in para 6.2, that failure to acquire UKAS/DWTS accreditation would mean that the laboratory could not provide services to any prospective clients; and

(iii)        to endorse the continuation of accreditation as a license to operate.



The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Customer Services which provided an update on the status of UKAS accreditation and progress on the recommendations of assessment of the Aberdeen Scientific Services Laboratory.


The report recommended:-

That the Committee –

(a)          Note the work being undertaken to implement and develop the recommendations of the 15th and 16th March 2018 UKAS surveillance report; and

(b)          Endorse the continuation of accreditation as a license to operate.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)          to note the work being undertaken to implement and develop the recommendations of assessment of the Aberdeen Scientific Services Laboratory;

(ii)         to clarify in para 6.2, that failure to acquire UKAS/DWTS accreditation would mean that the laboratory could not provide services to any prospective clients; and

(iii)        to endorse the continuation of accreditation as a license to operate.