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Meeting: 29/06/2018 - Staff Governance Committee (Item 5)
5 Transgender Employment Provision and Proposed Mental Health Action Plan - RES/18/054 PDF 74 KB
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to request that officers discuss with the Organisational Development team how courses offered via the Zone could be promoted to teaching staff who might not access the Zone and would instead use Abernet to undertake professional development;
(ii) to note the employment provisions in place in the Council relating to Transgender employees; and
(iii) to note the request to produce a mental health action plan based on robust evidence-based data and to instruct the Interim Chief Officer - People and Organisation to gather relevant data and present this to the meeting of the Staff Governance Committee on 1 November 2018 together with any necessary action plan.
TThe Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which set out two matters raised by Unison, in terms of 1.3 of the Staff Governance Committee Terms of Reference, namely:-
(1) In respect of the employment provisions the Council had in place in respect of transgender employees; and
(2) In respect of a request for the Council to compile an action plan in relation to mental health and employment, based on robust evidence-based data.
The report recommended:-
that Committee –
(a) notes the employment provisions in place in the Council relating to transgender employees; and
(b) notes the request to produce a mental health action plan based on robust evidence-based data and instructs the Interim Chief Officer, People and Organisation to gather relevant data and present this to the meeting of the Staff Governance Committee on 1 November 2018 together with any necessary action plan.
The Committee resolved:-
(i) to request that officers discuss with the Organisational Development team how courses offered via the Zone could be promoted to teaching staff who might not access the Zone and would instead use Abernet to undertake professional development; and
(ii) to otherwise approve the recommendations.