Issue - meetings
Travel Policy
Meeting: 01/11/2018 - Staff Governance Committee (Item 6)
6 Staff Travel Policy - RES/18/150 PDF 80 KB
Additional documents:
The Committee resolved:-
to defer the report to the January meeting of the Committee.
The Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which sought feedback from the Staff Governance Committee ahead of submission to the City Growth and Resources Committee for approval of the amended staff travel policy.
The report recommended:-
that the Staff Governance Committee –
(a) provide comment on the report from a staffing perspective; and
(b) instruct the Chief Officer – Finance to consult with Trade Unions on the draft policy prior to its submission to the City Growth and Resources Committee.
The Committee resolved:-
to defer consideration of the report to the January meeting of the Committee to allow for consultation on the draft policy with Trade Unions.