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Issue - meetings

Mental Health Action Plan

Meeting: 31/01/2019 - Staff Governance Committee (Item 9)

9 Employee Mental Health Action Plan - RES/19/160 pdf icon PDF 172 KB

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)        to note the suggestion from the Trade Union Advisers that the action plan be taken forward as a joint employer / Trade Union initiative;

(ii)       to note the relevant data contained in the report in relation to employee mental health trends;

(iii)      to authorise the Chief Officer – Organisational Development to proceed to implement the attached areas for action shown at Appendix 1 of the report, designed to address and improve employee mental health;

(iv)      to note that officers would continue to review the data used for reporting to ensure that a holistic approach was taken, noting that psychological illness could also be having an effect on absences for physical illness; and

(v)       to note that progress on the implementation of the actions would be reported to Committee in approximately a year’s time.


With reference to article 5 of the minute of its meeting of 29 June 2018, the Committee had before it a report by the Director of Resources which provided relevant data in relation to employee mental health trends and sought approval for an appended action plan to address and improve employee mental health.


The report recommended:-

that Committee –

(a)      notes the relevant data contained in the report in relation to employee mental health trends;

(b)      authorises the Chief Officer – Organisational Development to proceed to implement the attached areas for action shown at Appendix 1 of the report, which were designed to address and improve employee mental health; and

(c)       notes that progress on the implementation of the actions will be reported to Committee in approximately one year’s time.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)        to note the suggestion from the Trade Union Advisers that the action plan be taken forward as a joint employer / Trade Union initiative;

(ii)       to note that officers would continue to review the data used for reporting to ensure that a holistic approach was taken, noting that psychological illness could also be having an effect on absences for physical illness; and

(iii)      to approve the recommendations.