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Issue - meetings

Committee Business Planner

Meeting: 14/01/2025 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 2)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to request that the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord, circulate to members by way of email, the intended timeline for various reports coming to Committee in regards to Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC);

(ii)            to note the reason for delay for item 7 (Aberdeen Local Housing Strategy); and

(iii)          to otherwise note the committee business planner. 





The Committee had before it the committee business planner, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to request that the Chief Officer – Corporate Landlord, circulate to members by way of email, the intended timeline for various reports coming to Committee in regards to Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC);

(ii)            to note the reason for delay for item 7 (Aberdeen Local Housing Strategy); and

(iii)          to otherwise note the committee business planner. 




Meeting: 21/11/2024 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 2)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the reasons for delay for items 14 (Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill and 17 (Notice of Motion from Councillor Boulton); and

(ii)            to otherwise note the committee business planner. 




The Committee had before it the committee business planner, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the reasons for delay for items 14 (Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill and 17 (Notice of Motion from Councillor Boulton); and

(ii)            to otherwise note the committee business planner. 



Meeting: 05/09/2024 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 5)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note that item 11 (City Centre Multi Storey Blocks) would now be reported to the November 2024 meeting and to agree that the Executive Director – Families & Communities would circulate timescales for this report to members by way of email;

(ii)            to note that item 15 (Cost Neutral Environmental Enforcement) was delayed as the contract was due to start on 19th August 2024 so the report on the pilot would be reported back in summer 2025;

(iii)          to agree to remove item 30 (Rental  Differentials), as this will be incorporated into the report to Council on the Housing Revenue 30 Year Account Business Plan;

(iv)          to agree that a joint report would be presented at the November Committee titled Housing Board Bi Annual Report, which would incorporate items 8 (Housing Improvement Group), 29 (Asset Management Strategies for the HRA Estate) and item 32 (Council Housing Improvement Activity and Acquisition and Disposal Policy), therefore agreed to remove items 8, 29 and 32;

(v)           to request that the Executive Director – Families & Communities include information on void properties within the Housing Board Bi Annual report, due to be reported to the November committee; and

(vi)          to otherwise note the committee business planner. 


The Committee had before it the planner of committee business, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note that item 11 (City Centre Multi Storey Blocks) would now be reported to the November 2024 meeting and to agree that the Executive Director – Families & Communities would circulate timescales for this report to members by way of email;

(ii)            to note that item 15 (Cost Neutral Environmental Enforcement) was delayed as the contract was due to start on 19th August 2024 so the report on the pilot would be reported back in summer 2025;

(iii)          to agree to remove item 30 (Rental  Differentials), as this would be incorporated into the report to Council on the Housing Revenue 30 Year Account Business Plan;

(iv)          to agree that a joint report would be presented at the November Committee titled Housing Board Bi Annual Report, which would incorporate items 8 (Housing Improvement Group), 29 (Asset Management Strategies for the HRA Estate) and 32 (Council Housing Improvement Activity and Acquisition and Disposal Policy), and to therefore agree to remove items 8, 29 and 32;

(v)           to request that the Executive Director – Families & Communities include information on void properties within the Housing Board Bi Annual report, due to be reported to the November Committee; and

(vi)          to otherwise note the committee business planner. 


Meeting: 30/05/2024 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 2)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree to remove item 7(Public Engagement);

(ii)          to note the reason for the delay for item 6 (Busking Code of Practice); and

(iii)         to otherwise note the information contained in the business planner. 


The Committee had before it the planner of committee business, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to agree to remove item 7 (Public Engagement);

(ii)            to note the reason for the delay for item 6 (Busking Code of Practice); and

(iii)          to otherwise note the information contained in the business planner. 

Meeting: 28/03/2024 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 7)

7 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 156 KB


The Committee resolved:-

to note the planner.


The Committee had before it the planner of committee business, as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).


The Committee resolved:-

to note the planner.

Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 2)

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(i)             to note the reasons for delay in regards to items 6 ( Housing Improvement Group – Capital Works), 7 (Review of the Non Traditional Housing Stock)  and 8 (Police Scotland – 12 week pilot scheme); and

(ii)            to otherwise notes the committee business planner.


The Committee had before it the planner of committee business, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the reasons for delay in regards to items 6 ( Housing Improvement Group – Capital Works), 7 (Review of the Non Traditional Housing Stock)  and 8 (Police Scotland – 12 week pilot scheme); and

(ii)            to otherwise note the committee business planner.

Meeting: 14/11/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 2)

2 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 133 KB


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the reasons for the delay for items 9 (Housing Improvement Group – Capital Works and 10 (Review of the Non Traditional Housing Stock);

(ii)            to note that the reports at item 21 and 22 be combined into one report (Housing and Housing Strategy Report); and

(iii)          to otherwise note the committee business planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the reasons for the delay for items 9 (Housing Improvement Group – Capital Works and 10 (Review of the Non Traditional Housing Stock);

(ii)            to note that the reports at item 21 and 22 were to be combined into one report (Housing and Housing Strategy Report); and

(iii)          to otherwise note the committee business planner. 


Meeting: 05/09/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 2)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to agree to remove item 37 (Park and Open Spaces Management Rules) following the Service Update that was published; and

(ii)            to otherwise note the committee business planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree to remove item 37 (Park and Open Spaces Management Rules) following the Service Update that had been published; and

(ii)          to otherwise note the committee business planner. 

Meeting: 06/07/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 6)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to note the reason for the delay for item 5 – Housing improvement Group; and

(ii)             to otherwise note the committee business planner. 


The Committee had before it the planner of committee business, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).


The Committee resolved:-

(i)             to note the reason for the delay for item 5 – Housing improvement Group; and

(ii)            to otherwise note the committee business planner. 


Meeting: 16/05/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 4)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to ascertain when the Service Update would be issued to members in relation to item 10 – Aberdeen Water Safety;

(ii)             to note that it was anticipated that item 11 – Trusted Trader Scheme would be reported to the next committee;

(iii)            to remove item 7 – Protests and Processions, as a Service Update had been issued in this regard; and

(iv)           to otherwise note the planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner, as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance (Legal).


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to remove item 7 – Protests and Processions, as a Service Update had been issued in this regard;

(ii)             to request that officers ascertain when the Service Update would be issued to Members in relation to item 10 – Aberdeen Water Safety;

(iii)            to note that it was anticipated that item 11 – Trusted Trader Scheme would be reported to the next committee; and

(iv)           to otherwise note the planner. 


Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 2)

2 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 158 KB


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to request that in relation to item 6 on the planner, Protests and Processions, that officers provide further information to members by way of email with any further update and when this item could be expected to be reported to Committee;

(ii)             to note the reason for the delay for item 9 (Capital Programme of Works);  and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information contained in the business planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to request that in relation to item 6 on the planner, Protests and Processions, that officers provide further information to members by way of email with any further update and when this item could be expected to be reported to Committee;

(ii)             to note the reason for the delay for item 9 (Capital Programme of Works);  and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information contained in the business planner. 

Meeting: 17/01/2023 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 2)

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to note the planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance.


The Committee resolved:-

to note the committee business planner. 

Meeting: 01/11/2022 - Communities, Housing and Public Protection Committee (Item 1)

1 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 123 KB


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

to note the planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

to note the planner. 

Meeting: 31/08/2022 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 5)

5 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 134 KB


The Committee resolved:-

to note the business planner.


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Interim Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

to note the information contained within the business planner.



Meeting: 18/11/2021 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

2 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 129 KB


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to note that the two reports on Child Poverty due to be reported to this meeting had been delayed due to data not being available and it was hoped that the data would be available in late November, and therefore it was proposed that the reports would be presented to the January 2022 committee;

(ii)             to note that in relation to item 18 on the planner (Duties to Brother and Sisters – new legislation), that this report would be presented at a future meeting of Public Protection Committee rather than this committee; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the planner.


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to note that the two reports on Child Poverty due to be reported to this meeting had been delayed due to data not being available and it was hoped that the data would be available in late November, therefore it was proposed that the reports would be presented to the January 2022 Committee;

(ii)             to note that in relation to item 18 on the planner (Duties to Brother and Sisters – new legislation), that this report would be presented at a future meeting of the Public Protection Committee rather than this committee and would be removed from this planner; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the planner.


Meeting: 16/09/2021 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 3)

3 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 134 KB


to note the information provided in the planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

to note the planner. 

Meeting: 27/05/2021 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

2 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 132 KB


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree to remove items 30 (Smart Bins and Digitalisation of Waste Containers), 31 (Use of Plastic Based Materials in Roads Construction), and 32 (Motion by Councillors Boulton and Delaney – Suitable Bus Laybys on the Hazlehead to Westhill Road;

(i)              to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report), 5 (Review of Winter Maintenance Plan 2020/21), 6 (Autism Strategy and Action Plan), 7 (Review of Learning Centres) and 8 (Various Small Scale Traffic Management Stage 2), subject to the decisions taken in respect of items 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 later on the agenda; and

(ii)             to otherwise note the information contained the Committee Business Planner.



The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree to remove items 30 (Smart Bins and Digitalisation of Waste Containers), 31 (Use of Plastic Based Materials in Roads Construction), and 32 (Motion by Councillors Boulton and Delaney – Suitable Bus Laybys on the Hazlehead to Westhill Road;

(i)              to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report), 5 (Review of Winter Maintenance Plan 2020/21), 6 (Autism Strategy and Action Plan), 7 (Review of Learning Centres) and 8 (Various Small Scale Traffic Management Stage 2), subject to the decisions taken in respect of items 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 later on the agenda; and

(ii)             to otherwise note the information contained the Committee Business Planner.


Meeting: 11/03/2021 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report), 5 (Domestic Abuse Policy), 6 (Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report) and 7 (Payment to Foster Carers, Adopters, Kinship Carers and Associated Services), subject to the decisions taken in respect of items 4, 5, 6 and 7 later on the agenda;

(ii)             to agree to remove item 29 (Cycle Path for Ferryhill School Children), as this will now be considered through the Safe Routes to School and will be prioritised alongside works required at all schools in the city; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information provided in the planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report), 5 (Domestic Abuse Policy), 6 (Equality Outcomes and Mainstreaming Report) and 7 (Payment to Foster Carers, Adopters, Kinship Carers and Associated Services), subject to the decisions taken in respect of items 4, 5, 6 and 7 later on the agenda;

(ii)             to agree to remove item 29 (Cycle Path for Ferryhill School Children), as this would now be considered through the Safe Routes to School and would be prioritised alongside works required at all schools in the city; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information provided in the planner. 

Meeting: 13/01/2021 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 5)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report, 5 (Various Small Scale Traffic Management), 6 (Update on Housing First position), 7 (Driveway Appeal), 9 (Waste and Recycling Policy Review), 10 (Northern Roads Collaboration Annual report), 11 (Child Poverty Action Report) and 12 (Scottish Road Commissioner update), subject to the decisions taken in respect of items 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 later on the agenda;

(i)              to agree to remove item 8 from the planner (Waste Strategy) as this would now be considered outwith this committee;

(ii)             to note that a Service Update would be provided in due course in relation to Smart Bins; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information provided within the planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report, 5 (Various Small Scale Traffic Management), 6 (Update on Housing First position), 7 (Driveway Appeal), 9 (Waste and Recycling Policy Review), 10 (Northern Roads Collaboration Annual report), 11 (Child Poverty Action Report) and 12 (Scottish Road Commissioner update), subject to the decisions taken in respect of items 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 later on the agenda;

(i)              to agree to remove item 8 from the planner (Waste Strategy) as this would now be considered outwith this committee;

(ii)             to note that a Service Update would be provided in due course in relation to Smart Bins; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information provided within the planner. 


Meeting: 19/11/2020 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)               to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report), 5 (Annual Assurance Statement), 6 (Annual Effectiveness Report), 8 (Cluster Risk Register) and 9 (Housing Allocation Policy);

(ii)              to note that a report on Traffic Management Measures at TECA would be delayed by 12 months due to COVID-19 and the temporary closure of TECA;

(iii)            to note that the Waste Strategy item and the Waste and Recycling Policy Review, both fell under Term of Reference 1.1.5; and

(iv)            to otherwise note the information contained in the business planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)              to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report), 5 (Annual Assurance Statement), 6 (Annual Effectiveness Report), 8 (Cluster Risk Register) and 9 (Housing Allocation Policy); subject to the decisions taken in respect of items 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 later on the agenda;

(ii)             to note that a report on Traffic Management Measures at TECA would be delayed by 12 months due to COVID-19 and the temporary closure of TECA;

(iii)            to note that the Waste Strategy item and the Waste and Recycling Policy Review both fell under Term of Reference 1.1.5 and the planner would be updated to reflect this; and

(iv)           to otherwise note the information contained in the business planner. 


Meeting: 10/09/2020 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)               to agree to remove items 4 (Supported Rent Scheme); 5 Developer Request to Remove Dubford Bus Gate; 6 (Roads Winter Service Plan 2020-21); and 7 (Performance Report);

(ii)              to request that the Chief Officer – Customer Services, pass feedback regarding the Spaces for People initiative to the weekly meeting that is held with group leaders and to check if updates have been sent to elected members; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information provided in the Committee business planner


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)               to agree to remove items 4 (Supported Rent Scheme); 5 (Developer Request to

Remove Dubford Bus Gate); 6 (Roads Winter Service Plan 2020-21); and 7 (Performance Report), subject to the decisions taken in respect of items 4, 6 and 7 later on the agenda;

(ii)              to request that the Chief Officer – Customer Services, pass feedback regarding the Spaces for People initiative to the weekly meeting that was held with group leaders and to check if updates had been sent to elected members; and

(iii)            to otherwise note the information provided on the Committee business planner.


Meeting: 05/03/2020 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 2)

2 Committee Business Planner pdf icon PDF 112 KB


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report), 5 (Signalisation of the A944/AWPR Roundabout), 6 (School Road/Park Road Corridor response to petition), 7 (Council Housing Rent Management and Universal Credit Review), 8 (Autism Strategy and Action Plan) and 9 (Windmill Brae); and

(ii)          to otherwise note the information on the business planner. 


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance. 


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree to remove items 4 (Performance Report), 5 (Signalisation of the A944/AWPR Roundabout), 6 (School Road/Park Road Corridor response to petition), 7 (Council Housing Rent Management and Universal Credit Review), 8 (Autism Strategy and Action Plan) and 9 (Windmill Brae) subject to the decisions taken later on the agenda; and

(ii)          to otherwise note the information on the business planner. 


Meeting: 17/01/2019 - Operational Delivery Committee (Item 4)

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The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree to remove items 4 (Countryside Ranger Service Five Year Plan); 5 (Autism Strategy and Action Plan); 6 (Various Small Scale Traffic Management and Development Associated Proposals Stage 3); 8 (Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan); 9 (Payment to Foster Carers, Adopters and Associated Services); 10 (Performance Report); 11 (Notice of Motion by Councillor Delaney on plastic roads); and 12 (Enforcement of the Private Rented Housing Sector);

(ii)          to transfer item 23 (Roads Hierarchy) to City Growth and Resources Committee;

(iii)         to removed item 32 (Review of Broad Street Partial Pedestrianisation) as this will be combined with the report on Broad Street Partial Pedestrianisation and Safety Review;

(iv)         in regard to item 7 (Bedford Area Traffic Management Proposals), it was requested that information be provided on when taxis will be allowed to operate through the bus gate, to be included in the Service Update and that the item be removed from the planner once the Service Update is issued;

(v)          to agree that an item be added on the planner for the March Committee which would detail the outcome of the proposed works and any further remedial action that may be required to alleviate flooding on the identified safe routes to at Lochside Academy; and

(vi)         to otherwise note the information on the Business Planner.


The Committee had before it the committee business planner as prepared by the Chief Officer – Governance.


The Committee resolved:-

(i)            to agree to remove items 4 (Countryside Ranger Service Five Year Plan); 5 (Autism Strategy and Action Plan); 6 (Various Small Scale Traffic Management and Development Associated Proposals Stage 3); 8 (Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan); 9 (Payment to Foster Carers, Adopters and Associated Services); 10 (Performance Report); 11 (Notice of Motion by Councillor Delaney on plastic roads); and 12 (Enforcement of the Private Rented Housing Sector);

(ii)          to transfer item 23 (Roads Hierarchy) to the City Growth and Resources Committee;

(iii)         to remove item 32 (Review of Broad Street Partial Pedestrianisation) as this will be combined with the report on Broad Street Partial Pedestrianisation and Safety Review;

(iv)         in regard to item 7 (Bedford Area Traffic Management Proposals), to request that information on when taxis will be allowed to operate through the bus gate be included in the Service Update and that the item be removed from the planner once the Service Update is issued;

(v)          to agree that an item be added on the planner for the March Committee which would detail the outcome of the proposed works and any further remedial action that may be required to alleviate flooding on the identified safe routes to Lochside Academy; and

(vi)         to otherwise note the information on the Business Planner.